LINE, a messaging platform mainly used by Gen Z in Indonesia, supports the development of youth by conducting series of webinar for Gen Z in 2021. Furthermore, LINE Indonesia also joined hand to hand with partners from universities, schools, and communities to give how-to knowledge social topics for Gen Z.

In 2021, LINE Indonesia has 10 webinars with audience colectively reached more than 1000 users. Most of the webinars conducted in join hand with Indonesian respected universities. and schools. Other than that, LINE Indonesia also joined communities in Indonesia that give knowledge on Gen Z's most interested topic regarding working environment and skills.

Supporting the Development of Digital Literacy in Indonesia

Collaborating with University of Gadjahmada and Ministry of Communication and Informatics, LINE Indonesia joined a series of webinar conducted to give more insight on digital literacy in the country. The first topic is on how Product Manager and Product Designers working in the company. The webinar gave new information to the viewers, mostly the student on UGM, on the working environment to the job post or topic they're interested in.


Other than that, LINE Indonesia also gave know-how information regarding content and online community in the digital era for the webinar with LINE TODAY and LINE OpenChat. From this webinar, it is discussed a strong connection between content and online communities, especially the last few years. Although content is connected with all forms of marketing, many tactics used in both overlap as they are umbrella terms and content marketing today is looked upon mainly from an online viewpoint, even if it’s more than that.

Engineering Education for Generation Z

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To help youngsters who are interested in engineering area, LINE Indonesia conducted a webinar with one of the largest coding organizations in the country, Dicoding. The webinar gave more insight on how to go to engineering area mainly for Gen Z in the topic of Solid Design Pattern. Moreover, the webinar also conducted with online coding live session. The webinar attracted 1000 registrants from many areas in Indonesia.

Engineering educators in particular are being challenged to adapt to the speed of technological change. Faculty and school must consider how to adjust to this new environment, including the changing needs and expectations of Generation Z students. This webinar explores these topics. The section explored the  the development of engineering education in the Indonesia and communities. The last section discussed potential changes in the classroom to try and address some of the characteristics of Generation Z students in engineering area.

Business & IT Competition for Students

LINE Indonesia also collaborated with University of Indonesia in their biggest online festival competition, COMFEST. LINE Indonesia participated in providing speakers for the Clean Architecture webinar, with Aldo Kelvianto, Software Engineer and Matthew Tanudjaja, Lead Product & Engineering as judges for the competition for Software Engineering Academy participants. To date, COMPFEST UI has been attended by more than 8500 participants, more than 3300 academic and competition participants, and 250 more speakers.

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One of the most interesting things, LINE Indonesia also provided a jury for the competition which enhanced students ability in the area of presentation and ideation. Through this activity, LINE Indonesia seeks to support the advancement of digital technology, in order to facilitate people's daily lives and increase the participation of young people in the technology industry in Indonesia.

Women Empowerment in IT Industry

LINE Indonesia also joined Winter Club Girls Generation for Coding, an organization in Indonesia focusing on the development of women in IT Industry. LINE Indonesia's Product Manager, Syapira, gave insight for young women in Indonesia on how to enter the IT Industry and enhanced their skills on Engineering and Product Management.

Other than that. LINE Indonesia Country Manager, Fanny Verona, also joined a webinar with Teman Startup to give knowledge to the users on how to indentify and seize future opportunities in Indonesia.

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In the future, LINE Indonesia will continue to support and to contribute on the development of Indonesia's education and social skills by conducting series of online webinar purposedly for Generation Z in the country.